Lab installation overview
CLEOPATRA is in the ExWi Building room B033. From left to right are the Huber Thermostat with the thermal tubes going up to the ceiling to reach the vacuum chamber just behind the filter fan unit (FFU). CLEOPATRA is controlled via the PC on the trolley to the right or by remote.

For CLEOPATRA a performant thermostat of type 912w from Huber is installed, which achieves temperatures between -80°C and +100°C. This is enough low for most CMOS and CCD detectors.
A Filter Fan Unit (FFU) of surface 120cm x 120cm is mounted on the wall near the ceiling of the room in front of the vacuum chamber with an antistatic PVC skirt around. This clean environment is needed to prevent dust particles contaminating when unpacking the detectors on the trolley before mounting them into the opened vacuum chamber.
For the sensitive image detector devices all is well ESD protected.